Friday, December 13, 2019

Trump and Twitter: not an idea duo at all

On "Time to Kick Trump Off Twitter" of Lania Manning, she made an excellent point to show why a president should not have a Twitter account. More precisely, it should not be run so unprofessionally and unthoughtfully as President Trump did. 
I agree with Manning that the social media account of a president should be managed by professionals and should be only related to the country's problem. As much I want to say, it is Trump's right and his freedom to do whatever he wants, but when he chose to run for President and actually won, one needs to know the boundary of being funny and being humiliated. Like what I said in another previous post, Trump could be the noisiest president on Twitter, ever. The President, more or less, should be the face of a country in some certain aspect. For that to be said, Trump did a very great job of slapping his country's face. Not stopping at that, he risks our life in danger by challenging, mocking, insulting other countries. In addition to that, he keeps on fighting, mocking, and offending other celebrity, as if he was one of them. It was purely rude and unthoughtful of him to do. It doesn't sound like what a decent President should do to me. 
Again, I am 100% agree with my classmate on this, Trump should be taken off Twitter. There is no solid, understandable point about why he should run his social media account on his own. He's grown-up man, and he should have better things to do than just occasionally twitting to whatever he seems upset about. Let face it; Trump really act like a Queen B of a highschool in somewhat seconds, he might forget how much danger he could put us just because of that, and what we are the one who will have to face the consequences for his action.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Gun Violence: What do I care about it?

One random day of my workplace, my coworker was talking to someone. Then he told me, it was his wife. She was in Walmart for grocery shopping. He said: "She saw a man with a big package and was hiding something in the back of his back. She thought it was .. you know, so she left, went home, and just called me."
It was just a random story on a random day, it was not supposed to mean anything. But it's making me feel...weird. Because on the other day, I was doing exactly what she did. We were scared because we heard the news, that this "thing" happens everywhere in the country, and there is a chance it will happen to us. So what was that? Mass shootings, school shootings, gun violence. It was all over the news.
So let do some math:
- On November 17, the 321st day of the year, there have been 369 mass shootings in the U.S., according to data from the nonprofit Gun Violence Archive (GVA). 369 mass shootings/321 day =  1.15 shooting per day.
- According to CNN, in 46 weeks this year, there have been 45 school shootings. This is nearly an average of one school shooting a week. From elementary, middle and high schools to college and university campuses.
Every day you walk out of the house, wonder where is the next target. No matter you are at school, at work, or in your own house.
One of the most divisive issues in American politics nowadays is gun control. Gun violence happens every day, not just a movie's scene anymore. To anyone, to any place. Some people may say, owned a gun make them feel safer but due to the study, guns are rarely used in self-defense. Do you know what will make me feel safer? That I know every day I walk out my door, I know that no one will able to shoot me, because they don't and they can't own a gun. And how can we do that if all we do is restricted the ownership but not banned the gun itself?
So let me tell you what I think, cause this is my blog, and this is my opinion. Ban gun, all of them. Not just one or two, but maybe, you know, all of them.
What about restricted laws? Background check, legal age, restricted conditions? The stricter the better, you don't need to ban it. Well, let's take a look at Mexico. According to, Mexico has some of the strictest gun control laws in the world and yet, in 2012, Mexico had 11,309 gun murders (9.97 gun homicides per 100,000 people) compared to the United States that had 9,146 gun homicides (2.97 per 100,000 people.) Yet this is another proof that gun-control will not work. What we should do is ban guns, in any case, not just try to take control of it.
What we need is not a gun to protect ourselves, it is a better environment where is no gun, and no weapon could threaten our life.

Friday, November 15, 2019

Impeachment and Hoodie

This post is in response to my classmate's post in the "U.S. Government." So, President Trump's impeachment, "OK Boomer" hoodie and generation war
It is a very interesting point of view, and how he connected the President's Trump Impeachment and "OK Boomer," also brings up the generation war. I agree that this impeachment and the pre-consequence of it already start the fire between Baby Boomer generation and millennials generation. I honestly think it's not really a problem since Trump is continuously showing us that he unable to fulfill his duty, and may I say, he could be the noisiest president on Twitter, ever. Also, "generation war" is the war that will happen between every generation in many forms. I can say we all are trying to fight for our benefits, which is fair I guess. I'm with Vinh that there might be a negative sign for the future generation to be happy since we don't actually know what happens after President Trump being impeached, or furthermore, remove from the office. We cannot ensure that the new President will not fail us again, so it will kind of lose-lose battle that we have to fight.

Check out his work here:

Friday, November 1, 2019

Keep Austin Not "That" Weird!

Is it weird to say that we are just hit the end of 2019's summer at the end of October since this morning, I woke myself up during 31ºF and almost freeze myself to sleep again. People say, "Keep Austin Weird!" I am not so sure myself this is weird we are talking about. So what causes our summer-fall this year?
Climate change, obviously. What can you say about climate change except for the fact that it's making the Earth hotter than ever? I confess that I thought it would not be this fast. It's going to happen with our future generation, but I was SO wrong. Earth's climate is changing faster than any future predictions. It poses a significant threat to not just the planet but its citizens. The impacts of global climate change are already being felt in the United States in general and Texas in particular; and are projected to increase in the future.
Some studies are showing that Texas will experience the worst effects of climate change. According to States at Risk, Texas is home to 9 of the hottest cities in the U.S. We are currently facing the worst threat from widespread summer drought among the lower 48 states. By 2050, the state is predicted to see an increase of approximately 75 percent. The heat will lead our state to increase the mosquitoes season growing longer, more danger day over 105 ºF (from 60 days in this year to over 115 days in 2050), a severe health hazard due to the increase of ozone air pollution. 
In one study, Solomon Hsiang, professor of public policy at the University of California, Berkeley, says, “We are really sure the South is going to get hammered. The South is really, really negatively affected by climate change, much more so than the North. That wasn’t something we were expecting going in.”
Well, now, here we are. Our situation is on the way reaching the point that we can not save our environment anymore. It's happening. But it's not too late. You may say, one person like me can not do anything. We are not a superhero, so, yea, you are right! But you are also wrong. There are so many ignorances out there, and one by one, they make a significant impact in our world. Why not do the opposite. You don't have to do anything big like flying around and save the world; you just have to influence others little by little, switching our behaviors and helping others to understand our situation with mother nature. 
The severity of future impacts of global climate will depend mostly on actions taken to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and to adapt to the changes that will occur. Communities, governments, and businesses everywhere are working on it. So take action. Now. You can keep Austin weird as much as you want, but the global climate is another story. 
Here are some local organizations if you don't know where to start: (350 Austin - Acting Locally in the Global Climate Movement) 

Friday, October 18, 2019

"Facebook CEO Zuckerberg Defends Policy Allowing Misleading or False Campaign Ads," by Zachary Evans

The article I analyzed is entitled “Facebook CEO Zuckerberg Defends Policy Allowing Misleading or False Campaign Ads,” by Zachary Evans on Zachary Evans is introduced as a news writer for National Review Online. He is also a veteran of the Israeli Defense Forces and a trained violist. The blog is about how Facebook CEO defended his company’s policy of allowing political campaigns to run advertisements containing misleading or false information on their platform. 

The article familiarizes us that everything started when Facebook approve "an ad for President Trump’s 2020 reelection campaign accusing rival Joe Biden and his son Hunter of corruption, a charge which he has vigorously disputed." This is causing the response from Senator Elizabeth Warren (D., Mass) released her own ad saying Zuckerberg supports Trump for reelection.  

While Zuckerberg stated: “In general, in a democracy, I think that people should be able to hear for themselves what politicians are saying.” Warren, on the other hand, did not agree with that. She wrote on Medium: “We need to stop this generation of big tech companies from throwing around their political power to shape the rules in their favor.”

Evans's intended audience is everyone who is using Facebook or any social media ( and as we all know, almost a whole generation.) The impact of this policy will be advanced for any side that knows how to control the crowd. It will not just affect politicians in general but also ignorances since it will be running as a random ad on social media platforms. For that to say, it can change the destiny of our country. 

Evans claims that social media companies including Facebook struggle with policies of free speech and censorship not just from the US but also from country to country. He also informs readers about both the cons and pros of this policy as much as Facebook's CEO defended it. The essay is quite credible since it was not biased but only informative, Evans remains neutral throughout most of the blog entry as well. 

You can check his work from here :

Friday, October 4, 2019

“Trump plan to incarcerate migrant children at Fort Sill again shows worst of America,” by Mari Matsuda

The article I analyzed is entitled “Trump plan to incarcerate migrant children at Fort Sill again shows worst of America,” by Mari Matsuda. Mari Matsuda is a writer, an artist, and a professor of law at the University of Hawaii. More than that, she is one of a daughter, a descendant of a Japanese American incarcerated at Wyoming's Heart Mountain relocation camp. Using her unique voice and position, she shared with us how related it is with what the government did in the past and still, repeat till today in a similar way. By using her own experient, Matsuda was helping other people with a related situation to share their voice and their loss. 
After many many years, the pain of that incident still haunted them. The point Matsuda was trying to make here is if a grown man can not handle the pain of leaving his family, why would anyone think a little kid can do that. Matsuda states "The government says it must ship children to Fort Sill because it can’t process their asylum claims in a timely way. Would any of us accept that excuse if our children were taken?" One of the questions we need to consider if we want to support our government in this. It will not just bring pain to children, but also theit family and beloved. Far over, it will harm a whole generation if this becomes real. 

Matsuda intended audience is not just any Japanese American individual, but also for the nation itself. "It was a demand that our nation learns from its mistake and become its best self: land of the free, where all are entitled to dignity." she wrote, and I completely agree with it. This is not about the genre, race, or gender, but a whole future generation will be affected by this plan. It can be just Fort Sill now, but who said it will stop there.

The essay is inspiring, and it ended with the statement that any one of us needs to remember "We do not lock up innocent people, especially children. That is what Hitlers do." We are passed the time that racist is a "trend," we are not Hitlers. We want peace in our mind, our heart, and our country, and the plan to lock up the children for "their own safety" will do nothing to that. Children do no harm and if any there will be because of the environment. What we need to do is change is our system, our environment, but not to lock them up. There is no such sense that locks up children at Fort Sill, or anyplace will make. We already see what might be coming next due to what happens in the past but still, the government still wants to lock up the children at Fort Sill. 

Matsuda's claim is essentially but necessary. I believe this essay was written with a slight bias but quite credible since it was base on real experiences, with a real data number, and people that still have to suffer up to now. Our author is a well-educated woman that trying to make a wake-up call for all of us. 

Friday, September 20, 2019

Democrats or Republicans

Democrats and Republicans Live in Different Worlds

Hello, welcome back to my blog!

So have anyone has this kind of stupid question like me that how can we know if we are a democrat or a republican? Or how it is going to affect our daily life? No? Just me? Okay. If yes, this article of the Wall Street Journal can help you out.

This article is basically showing you how your nation's urban-rural divide affect your political view. In addition to that, these two political parties were not only divided by different kinds of places but also two sides of the American economy.

It also analyzes the difference between the Democratic House and the Republic House:
The Democratic house leans the nation’s digital and professional jobs; median household income is up, economic output, or GDP, has risen. On the other hand, the Republic House lean more largely in rural states and working-class communities, median household income and GDP have fallen in these districts.

There are also a few numbers we should notice:
More than 70% of the nation’s digital and professional jobs are in Democratic House districts, while about 60% of agriculture and mining jobs are in Republican districts. These number was different (almost opposite) just one decade ago.

I believe this is worth to read. It's not too long, but make us rethink about how our political change just in one decade. We also can see how it affects our economy and many other aspects of our life.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Trump and Twitter: not an idea duo at all

On " Time to Kick Trump Off Twitter " of Lania Manning, she made an excellent point to show why a president should not have a Twi...