Friday, September 20, 2019

Democrats or Republicans

Democrats and Republicans Live in Different Worlds

Hello, welcome back to my blog!

So have anyone has this kind of stupid question like me that how can we know if we are a democrat or a republican? Or how it is going to affect our daily life? No? Just me? Okay. If yes, this article of the Wall Street Journal can help you out.

This article is basically showing you how your nation's urban-rural divide affect your political view. In addition to that, these two political parties were not only divided by different kinds of places but also two sides of the American economy.

It also analyzes the difference between the Democratic House and the Republic House:
The Democratic house leans the nation’s digital and professional jobs; median household income is up, economic output, or GDP, has risen. On the other hand, the Republic House lean more largely in rural states and working-class communities, median household income and GDP have fallen in these districts.

There are also a few numbers we should notice:
More than 70% of the nation’s digital and professional jobs are in Democratic House districts, while about 60% of agriculture and mining jobs are in Republican districts. These number was different (almost opposite) just one decade ago.

I believe this is worth to read. It's not too long, but make us rethink about how our political change just in one decade. We also can see how it affects our economy and many other aspects of our life.

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