Friday, October 18, 2019

"Facebook CEO Zuckerberg Defends Policy Allowing Misleading or False Campaign Ads," by Zachary Evans

The article I analyzed is entitled “Facebook CEO Zuckerberg Defends Policy Allowing Misleading or False Campaign Ads,” by Zachary Evans on Zachary Evans is introduced as a news writer for National Review Online. He is also a veteran of the Israeli Defense Forces and a trained violist. The blog is about how Facebook CEO defended his company’s policy of allowing political campaigns to run advertisements containing misleading or false information on their platform. 

The article familiarizes us that everything started when Facebook approve "an ad for President Trump’s 2020 reelection campaign accusing rival Joe Biden and his son Hunter of corruption, a charge which he has vigorously disputed." This is causing the response from Senator Elizabeth Warren (D., Mass) released her own ad saying Zuckerberg supports Trump for reelection.  

While Zuckerberg stated: “In general, in a democracy, I think that people should be able to hear for themselves what politicians are saying.” Warren, on the other hand, did not agree with that. She wrote on Medium: “We need to stop this generation of big tech companies from throwing around their political power to shape the rules in their favor.”

Evans's intended audience is everyone who is using Facebook or any social media ( and as we all know, almost a whole generation.) The impact of this policy will be advanced for any side that knows how to control the crowd. It will not just affect politicians in general but also ignorances since it will be running as a random ad on social media platforms. For that to say, it can change the destiny of our country. 

Evans claims that social media companies including Facebook struggle with policies of free speech and censorship not just from the US but also from country to country. He also informs readers about both the cons and pros of this policy as much as Facebook's CEO defended it. The essay is quite credible since it was not biased but only informative, Evans remains neutral throughout most of the blog entry as well. 

You can check his work from here :

Friday, October 4, 2019

“Trump plan to incarcerate migrant children at Fort Sill again shows worst of America,” by Mari Matsuda

The article I analyzed is entitled “Trump plan to incarcerate migrant children at Fort Sill again shows worst of America,” by Mari Matsuda. Mari Matsuda is a writer, an artist, and a professor of law at the University of Hawaii. More than that, she is one of a daughter, a descendant of a Japanese American incarcerated at Wyoming's Heart Mountain relocation camp. Using her unique voice and position, she shared with us how related it is with what the government did in the past and still, repeat till today in a similar way. By using her own experient, Matsuda was helping other people with a related situation to share their voice and their loss. 
After many many years, the pain of that incident still haunted them. The point Matsuda was trying to make here is if a grown man can not handle the pain of leaving his family, why would anyone think a little kid can do that. Matsuda states "The government says it must ship children to Fort Sill because it can’t process their asylum claims in a timely way. Would any of us accept that excuse if our children were taken?" One of the questions we need to consider if we want to support our government in this. It will not just bring pain to children, but also theit family and beloved. Far over, it will harm a whole generation if this becomes real. 

Matsuda intended audience is not just any Japanese American individual, but also for the nation itself. "It was a demand that our nation learns from its mistake and become its best self: land of the free, where all are entitled to dignity." she wrote, and I completely agree with it. This is not about the genre, race, or gender, but a whole future generation will be affected by this plan. It can be just Fort Sill now, but who said it will stop there.

The essay is inspiring, and it ended with the statement that any one of us needs to remember "We do not lock up innocent people, especially children. That is what Hitlers do." We are passed the time that racist is a "trend," we are not Hitlers. We want peace in our mind, our heart, and our country, and the plan to lock up the children for "their own safety" will do nothing to that. Children do no harm and if any there will be because of the environment. What we need to do is change is our system, our environment, but not to lock them up. There is no such sense that locks up children at Fort Sill, or anyplace will make. We already see what might be coming next due to what happens in the past but still, the government still wants to lock up the children at Fort Sill. 

Matsuda's claim is essentially but necessary. I believe this essay was written with a slight bias but quite credible since it was base on real experiences, with a real data number, and people that still have to suffer up to now. Our author is a well-educated woman that trying to make a wake-up call for all of us. 

Trump and Twitter: not an idea duo at all

On " Time to Kick Trump Off Twitter " of Lania Manning, she made an excellent point to show why a president should not have a Twi...